Whether you are an employer or a job applicant, as a one-stop recruitment consulting company, we are here to offer you high quality assessment solutions which cater to your specific and dynamic needs, please click the links below for more information:

Assessment Solutions

Why Assessments?

Many recruitment companies rely heavily on traditional methods such as interviews and CV screening to identify high performers. These methods are largely subjective, and most of the time they can only measure a single aspect of the candidates. To differentiate ourselves, W Consulting Company Limited is keen to offer our customers something more objective, comprehensive and scientific! We use a broad range of ready-to-use psychometric assessment tools to evaluate an individual from multiple dimensions, ranging from skills and abilities to behavioural styles and work values.

Common types of psychometric assessments:

  • Ability tests - enable you to measure and predict the information analysing and problem solving ability of an individual applicable to future job setting
  • Behavioural assessments - allow you to reliably assess and identify an individual's natural behaviours and working style which are desirable for the specific job

Benefits for Employers:

See the unseen - provide additional information on those attributes which are crucial performance predictors but often "unobservable" in interviews

  • Select the "most fit" - help you make an informed hiring decision and ensure only top talents are selected
  • Maximise hiring ROI (Return on Investment) - double the accuracy of your hiring decision, avoid making an expensive mistake by hiring the wrong person 
  • Leverage candidate experience - impress the candidates with your structured hiring process and make you an employer of choice
  • A starting point of staff development - pinpoint the job-related strengths and development areas of new/existing employees, which will help you bring the best out of the employees, while bridging the development gap to contribute to ultimate organisational success

Benefits for Employees / Candidates:

  • Know yourself in a structured way - enhance self-understanding to facilitate your career development/advancement and ensure job success
  • Fair and objective judgement of your qualities - through a multi-dimensional hiring procedure that is more than simply interview, you will be given several opportunities to "sell" and present yourself to the potential employer. It will be your real qualities rather than your performance in a single interview that count.